Wednesday, March 26, 2025


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General website

Other users might use publicly accessible areas of the in Focus website. During the course of browsing these general areas, a user might come across information supplied by other users. In Focus is not responsible for comments, advice, information, or any other posting made by visitors or others in these areas.

In Focus reserves the right to review materials posted by users and to delete or edit them, for any reason, at any time.


Any advice or views expressed by in Focus contributors is their own for which they are solely responsible, and not that of in Focus. Authors may have an interest in the products, services, or businesses mentioned or recommended. Hence, users need to do their own research to be aware of such interests.

External sites

Any external sites to which in Focus links is operated by that site’s individual owner and not under the control of in Focus’ owners. The onus of establishing the policies adopted by each of these sites rests on the user.


in Focus and Team Marksmen assesses the products and services offered by partner brands and leaders and believes that these products and services are appropriate and valuable to you, the user. in Focus and Team Marksmen do not guarantee these products or services. The owners of these products and services are solely responsible for claims made by the users with respect to the products or services provided to them.